On March 30, 2023 10:36:01 PM MDT, Kenneth Gober <kgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 12:37 PM Kihaguru Gathura <kihagurugath...@gmail.com>
>In general I prefer hardware RAID because it's more likely you'll be able
>to easily boot your
>system if the array is running in a degraded state due to a drive failure
>(perhaps you might
>need to press F1 or something to continue).  With softraid, you might need
>to type special
>commands at the console to force booting or mounting a volume with a failed
>drive in it.
>This may be a problem if you are in a rush to bring the system back up and
>don't have a
>convenient way to look up the necessary commands.

Hardware RAID is fine, but you need to make sure the system is configured to 
send notification when a RAID drive goes to a degraded state.  I can't tell you 
how many times I've been asked to assist with a system to find more than one 
drive failed.  What would seem to be common sense is often not done.


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