On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 05:12:34PM -0600, Nathan Gilbert wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran sysupgrade on a ThinkPad X1 Carbon running 7.2 and am unable to login 
> afterwards. I’m unable to log in as my normal user in either the WM (LeftWM) 
> or the terminal, I immediately get kicked back to login. I’m able to login 
> with root to fvwm or cwm but can’t open a terminal. On the terminal, I get 
> kicked back to login as well. This system reports that I am on 7.3 at boot.
> Is there any way to debug this issue? I’m at a loss.

Going out on a limb here, but this sounds an awful lot like your window
manager might error out and kick yo back to xenodm. I can't find LeftWM
in the ports - is that a self-compiled window manager?

Also can you specify what you mean by "the terminal". If you make it to
the xenodm login manager, you should be able to switch to the text
console with Ctrl+Alt+F1-F4. If that works, then you could log in there
and examine ~/.xsession-errors after a failed xenodm login to see what
error messages are produced.

> Thanks!

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