Don't know if this collides with the 'network plumbing' point....
but this is what I know eg... in Europe, Germany and you can start
from eg... here:

-- Daniele Bonini

May 5, 2023 17:46:47 Daniele B. <>:

> Sorry, I haven't followed the thread and I do not know
> what exactly you are searching for.
> I realized only now you are searching some specific
> device on the market..
> I do not know..any chinese national can eventually help like us.. but
> here we can have access to the chinese version
> of Taobao, that mostly means access to whole range of products
> actually on the market including accessories and often past articles.
> The only obstacle is the translation of the technical features
> to my wife that sometimes result difficult.
> Anyway we are glad to help you in your reasearch if it is possible.
> Give me a private ping if we can help.
> -- Daniele Bonini

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