On 2023-05-08 23:15, Tor Houghton wrote:
> On Sat, May 06, 2023 at 04:40:21PM -0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]
> >
> > wgport port-number wgkey my-private-key
> > inet
> > 
> > [snip]
> Here's[*] a super hacky way to convert a pivpn wireguard config file to output
> that can be placed in a /etc/hostname.wg0 file, if this helps anyone at all.
> $ cat client.conf | ./wgconv.sh
> Tor
> * https://www.bogus.net/~torh/files/wgconv.sh

Huh, neat. :) It made me smile to see this because I wrote my own
pledged + unveiled tool in Perl for this exact same task some time ago.
Though mine does some basic validation on the IPs, base64 keys, etc.

Tool: https://github.com/3uryd1ce/sysadm/blob/master/translate_wg_conf
Man page: 

One thing to note is that it depends on p5-Config-Std and p5-Net-IP to
handle parsing and validation, so this would be needed first:

# pkg_add p5-Config-Std p5-Net-IP

Anyway, my self-plug is over. Hope it helps someone.

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