On Fri, 2023-05-12 at 20:18 +0000, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you for the helpful responses, this definitely explains some
> things!
> I'm looking at organizing an OpenBSD Hackathon in the National
> Capital Region in Canada (could potentially be on the Gatineau,
> Quebec side) but having never been to an OpenBSD Hackathon, my
> interpretation might be quite different from the other Hackathons!
> That's fine, and I'm going to seek inspiration from attending a
> FreeBSD Hackathon, as that project makes their upcoming Hackathons
> public:  https://wiki.freebsd.org/Hackathon/202305
> Thank you very much for the help and please feel free to contact me
> privately if you're interested in attending (either as a volunteer or
> developer) or otherwise supporting an OpenBSD Hackathon in the
> National Capital Region in Canada.
> Sincerely,
> Katie

Hi Katie,

I'll make an assumption based upon what you have written and reply to

I have no experience with hackathons except when working for a globally
recognized company that had no idea what a hackathon meant but tried to
do a few. When I learned that leadership set up a process to accept
what could be hacked on, and a process to determine the winning team of
the hackathons, I decided to skip the events.  :-(

Anyway, the official OpenBSD hackathons are limited to a select group.
There is no minimum size, I assume, because if these people want to
meet up then they do.

If you want to set up your own community OpenBSD hackathon then you
will need to do the advertising, signup process, and management of the
location/capacity vs signups, etc. yourself.

I do hope it goes well!


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