On 2023-05-19, Computer Planet <open...@cpnetserver.net> wrote:
> Hi Guys, OpenBSD 7.3 arm64.
> Given that I've never had problems installing OpenBSD, any version, any 
> architecture. 
> I install it on Pine64 Rock64 to make VPN, sometimes even 3/4 times a day.
> This morning, for the first time, during the online installation phase, just 
> on a Pine64 Rock64, 
> it fails to verify the checksum of the packages... for all the packages.
> I've been trying and trying, still the same problem.
> Yesterday, on the same type of SBC and in the same way, installed 3 times 
> without any problems, from this morning this message:
> Checksum test for "package" failed. Continue anyway?
> Could someone give me some advice please...?
> P.S.: About the installation, I've always used this "repository": 
> ftp.openbsd.org

Is this 7.3 release, or a -current snapshot?

If it's a snapshot, try a newer one.

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