On 2023-08-03, Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not a Ryzen 9, but an AMD.

you seem to be on the wrong thread. this one is *specifically* for ryzen 9,
here is the original message;

| A small number of us with AMD Ryzen 9 (i.e. chips in the 7x000 range)
| machines have been experiencing regular (often daily), or semi-regular
| hangs, but without any obvious cause.
| What we don't know is if we're the unlucky few, or whether this might be a
| wider issue. So, to see if there is some sort of pattern going on (e.g. are
| certain motherboards / BIOSes correlated with hangs or not?), I'd like to
| poll Ryzen 9 OpenBSD users. At a minimum we'd need to know:
|   CPU model (e.g. "7900x")
|   Motherboard (e.g. "MSI PRO670-X")
|   Have you experienced crashes? (Yes/No) If "Yes":
|       what frequency (e.g. "daily/weekly/no obvious pattern")?
|       are there are obvious causes (e.g. "happens when I run program X")?
|       have you found any mitigations (e.g. "updated BIOS")?
|   Ideally a dmesg too
| We're as interested in Ryzen 9 users who aren't experiencing hangs as who
| are! Please feel free to reply to the list, or to me individually, and I'll
| collate the information and see if there are any patterns or not.

anything else is noise on this thread, please report it separately.

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