
Stuart Henderson wrote on Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 05:52:07PM -0000:
> On 2023-08-18, l...@ena.re <l...@ena.re> wrote:

>> Also, what is the reason the quirks package does not have a man page?

Usually, there is no manual page documenting a package as a whole.

>> I believe it should have one, just like any other program.

The quirks package certainly isn't a program.
Right now, i fail to see any evidence that it even *contains* any program.

>> Is this something that is desired?

The following is certainly not a good syllogism:
  "There is no manual page documenting this package"
    => "We need a manual page documenting this package"

Even the folliwing, weaker syllogism may occasionally be false:
  "This package contains no manual page"
    => "We should write a manual page to include in the package"

Is information about the quirks package missing from the manual pages?
Maybe, it doesn't seem unlikely to me, but i'm far from sure.

>> If so, I would gladly model one after the package description.

What a terrible idea.  Most of that information is already contained
in the manual page sthen@ mentioned:

> packages(7) - overview of the binary package system

I think what packages(7) says is also easier to understand than
what the quirks package description says.

> not sure what such a manpage would be named.

Given that manual pages are named after programs, functions, devices,
or file formats,

   $ pkg_info -L quirks

tells me that a manual page to be included in the quirks package
could be named:


   - that one would document the Perl API of the OpenBSD::Quirks
     Perl package, similar to e.g. OpenBSD::PackingElement(3p)
     or OpenBSD::State(3p)



   - that one would document the file format of the file
     /usr/local/share/update.db and explain how that file
     is used, similar to mandoc.db(5) or locate(1) --
     by the way, it does look like we are missing a
     locate.database(5) manual page

> it is already described here though:
> $ man -k any=quirks
> packages(7) - overview of the binary package system

Right, any information about the quirks package that doesn't
belong into OpenBSD::Quirks(3p) or update.db(5) probably
belongs into packages(7) or pkg_add(1).


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