On Sep 26 21:42:02, spritskills...@gmail.com wrote:
> I did the thing.
> dd'd a 5gb img to my ssd instead of my usb and I want to die.
> dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sd1c

At this point, you are supposed to tell
what your disk layout is (or was :-).

Is sd1 your boot disk? What partitions did it contain?
Or is sd0 where your system is installed? In particular,
do you still have /etc and /var/backups ?

> I am using a CRYPTO RAID partition
> and luckily I'm smart enough not to nuke that.

Pray tell, what is that unnuked partition?
Is that where your untouched base system still lives?

> My ssd is 2TB so I believe it uses FFS2 by default.

newfs makes FFS2 by default regardless of the size.

> I'm hopelessly running scan_ffs on it

So you still have /sbin/scan_ffs,
so you still have /sbin.
What else do you still have?

How exactly are you running scan_ffs?

> in case it was silently updated
> or the man is wrong

Meaning this?

        scan_ffs works only on FFS file systems,
        not FFS2 file systems.

(I have no idea.)

> or there's a God.

There's no God.
There's only backup.

> Any advice on how to recover what's left?

First you have to show what actually is left,
i.e. what parts of the system are still available.
Was sd1 a big /data disk such as /home,
with the base system living elsewhere?

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