On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 9:13 AM Zé Loff <zel...@zeloff.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 11:39:36AM -0400, David Higgs wrote:
> > All of my devices until now have been behind my OpenBSD NAT router, but I
> > recently acquired a Internet of Trash device that I would like to be
> > accessible to the internet (yes, I know).
> >
> > My home configuration uses a Unifi AP to translate my various SSIDs into
> > VLANs which plug into one of my APU em(4) ports.  The IoT thing already
> has
> > its own dedicated SSID/VLAN, but doesn't enjoy living behind my NAT.
> Define "doesn't enjoy".  It absolutely requires a public IP?  It needs
> some ports to be forwarded?  Has some sort of network connection
> detection that fails because some ports are blocked for outgoing
> traffic?

I'm still trying to determine ground truth with manufacturer support.  Port
forwarding doesn't seem sufficient.  The device can reach out just fine but
is not remotely controllable as advertised.

> Is there a way for me to bridge just one of the vlan(4) logical interfaces
> > with my other em(4) uplink, so that my IoT item can speak DHCP directly
> > with my internet provider?
> Assuming your WAN connection also gets its IP address by DHCP, will your
> ISP assign you multiple IP addresses, one for your uplink, one for the
> IoT device?

Hopefully so, but that's orthogonal to the question I'm asking.

If you absolutely need the IoT device to have unfiltered connection to
> the internet, you can just create a DMZ of sorts for that VLAN, let all
> traffic pass out, forward the necessary ports for incoming traffic, and,
> assuming you don't trust the device at all, block all traffic from that
> VLAN to the rest of the network (or be very selective about it), and
> maybe also from other VLANs to that VLAN.  Putting it in a different
> rdomain altogether might also be a good idea.

I've already tried that without success.

> Can this be done with veb/vport or bridge, or will I need to use something
> > more exotic to strip the 802.1q tags before they are sent to my ISP?

Self-replying here: I don't see many examples of veb(4) use online, but it
seems as if I can add my physical uplink and the IoT VLAN both to a veb and
attach a vport to become my new uplink.  That should be logically
equivalent to putting a three-port switch between my router and my ISP CPE,
with the third port for the IoT device.  Is anyone able to shoot holes in
this or suggest a superior alternative, before I attempt the configuration
later this week?

Related question: It doesn't appear that veb (and bridge) are part of
either amd64 RAMDISK.  Does this create any added complexity with
(sys)upgrades or does it somehow Just Work(tm)?

Thanks again,


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