If you're looking for a mirror to install/update

ftp.cc.uoc.gr runs on both IPv4/IPv6 and is listed in official mirrors.



On 23/10/2023 08:58, Armin Jenewein wrote:
> No idea what you perceive here as a "rant", my apologies if that seemed
> like one to you, that's not my intention.
> FWIW both ftplist1.openbsd.org and ftplist2.openbsd.org have no AAAA
> entry, either.
> I don't see what I need to prove here. That's 3 hosts already that don't
> have an AAAA DNS record, so if you're on an IPv6-only link, you can't
> access these. I didn't check ALL the mirrors that the installer has in
> the list, but the one popping up in my list as ftp.spline.de doesn't
> have one, either, so that's just number four.
> With prices for IPv4 addresses are starting to increase, it surprises me
> that this is still such a heated topic. Nobody asks about removing
> IPv4-connectivity here. Nobody wants to break functionaly for v4-only
> users.
> I did try installing OpenBSD in v6-only networks, yes. On an IPv6-only
> host it doesn't even suggest a mirror to download from.
> My initial mail was about  this one here, nevertheless:
> $ ping6 openbsd.org
> ping6: no address associated with name
> $
> The fact that all the other hosts I mentioned are v4-only doesn't change
> that situation in any way.
> ~ Armin
> On 23-10-22 19:29:28, Philip Guenther wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 6:53 PM Armin Jenewein <liz...@nuke.m2m.pm> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On 23-10-22 15:47:45, Kastus Shchuka wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 10:29:08PM +0200, Armin Jenewein wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> as I'm almost 100% sure adding IPv6 connectivity to the openbsd.org
>>>>> host
>>>>> wouldn't introduce side-effects for IPv4 users: is there any reason
>>>>> openbsd.org still has no AAAA entry at the end of 2023?
>>>> Why do you need it?
>>> Because it's extremely inconvenient to have manually type in the name of
>>> a mirror that I know has an AAAA entry. The installer won't even be able
>>> to download the mirror list because of the reason I mentioned. It tries
>>> to talk to openbsd.org which obviously fails.
>> See, this is why being clear about What Fine Problem You're Trying To Solve
>> is important: AFAICT the installer tries to fetch the mirror list from
>> ftplist1.openbsd.org and not from openbsd.org.
>> Can you confirm that your _actual_ request is to have the installer be able
>> to get the mirror list when on an IPv6-only host?
>> (Please don't rant at people who try to help, particularly when doing
>> exactly what you requested would NOT HAVE HELPED, unless you *want* people
>> to drop you in their kill-file as "not worth trying to help".)
>> Philip Guenther

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