On Thursday 23 March 2006 14:09, frantisek holop wrote:
> just before i order my 3.9:
> this is what i feel sometimes, and i think sometimes more of you do.
> people who read misc@ for years might identify the following
> (for me disturbing) trend:
> twice a year (or maybe more) when it comes to money issues, Theo and
> the devs ask for donations, cd purchases. at the same time, people
> are every once in a while reminded how "lucky" they are to use what
> the devs create solely "for themselves".  this brainwashing is so
> effective even some other advocators are using it now, defending
> the poor helpless devs.
> unfortunately there is no real community around openbsd. at least
> i dont see one -- one where there are people without cvs commit.
> if you don't have cvs commit, you are a nobody that's what misc@
> will teach any newcomer using iron and fire. i try to be part
> of a community but the devs say you are nobody and should be glad
> that you can use this stuff.

Well I've been lurking here a long time, and feel I have had massive return 
for the odd purchase and donation. I don't see any hypocrisy whatever in the 
development process, rather I thank my lucky stars that OBSD has a strong 
purpose and direction. I don't think it's a problem that people are told they 
can't expect to get features put into or changed 
> except when it comes to money.  well, well.
> then suddenly we ARE a community, we are NEEDED and should feel as one,
> so we can join powers and walk off into the setting sun.
> it is this hypocracy i hate the most (just as much as Theo does too
> -- that is why i love openbsd). if the project needs my money,
> i'd like to see a different stance from Theo and the devs and
> not the default "go run something else idiot, we don't need you."
> because you obviously need my at least twice a year.
> you Theo, have the luxury only few have: work full time on what
> you like the most.  you don't have to go to meetings and live
> the corporate rat's life or some such non-sense.
> WE make it possible for YOU Theo to do this.
> so don't tell me i am lucky to use openbsd.
> having said that, i am going to order 3.9 just as i have been ordering
> releases every 6 month since i started making money.
> -f

Fergus Wilde
Chetham's Library
Long Millgate
M3 1SB

Tel: 0161 834 7961
Fax: 0161 839 5797


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