
I have two use cases and problems with fsck.

1) When my openbsd boots after an outage, the system asks me to fsck /, /usr, 
/var or /home manually.
So I do
fsck /dev/sd0a
And then I'm asked questions and I usually answer F

So my question is that I want this process to be done automatically at boot 
time for each partition that has a problem.
If there's no problem, the system would boot at usual.

This is because I use a small server without screen and keyboard.

2) I have another disk in my small server, and I mount one partition of it with 
in fstab
aa929243b0f59999.a /var/mylogs ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
When I remove that disk the boot sequence stops and asks for a fsck

I would like that this disk is mounted when it's present, but when it's not 
installed I don't want the boot sequence to stop

Is there a way to do these tasks or should I use a script that is executed by 
/etc/rc.local ?

Thank you

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