hmm, on Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 08:13:44PM +0100, frantisek holop said that
> hmm, on Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 11:23:02AM -0700, Theo de Raadt said that
> > > it would be interesting to know about how MUCH money donated
> > > to the openbsd project you all are REALLY talking here...
> > 
> > Sad, eh.  350 donation transactions in one month.  I had no idea
> > that the OpenSSH deployment on the planet was that small.  I
> > suspected it to be much higher:
> > 
> >
> i am really not entitled to judge you, except the creator
> no one is.  but answer me frankly please, do you think
> that the "legend" of your personality is helping to raise
> funds for the project?

for anybody who thought this was nothing else that my
personal attack on Theo, which it was not, i highly
recommend the slashdot reactions to see why some people
refrain from donating.  and it doesn't matter a bit
if it's true or not what they are saying.  the result
is the important.

and to everyone who thinks _only_ and _only_ and _only_
code quality is what matters, think about this:

"Anyone who has ever decided not to go back to a resturaunt
that has good food because of shitty service is in the same
boat here."

millisecond:  delay between a green light and honking horn.

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