Excuse gentleman,

but i don't see any rationale behind  that tense:

" .... one could argue that people who live in such places should
> not have computers)"

On 4/9/06, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two developers who don't have a lot of money recently had their
> laptops die -- laptops which other project developers gave them in the
> past.
> We would love if it some people could donate some.
> One is Brad in Toronto, and the other is Joris in Dominica (yes, the
> island -- one could argue that people who live in such places should
> not have computers).  For Brad it is likely better to get a machine
> directly to him there, but for the other it is probably better to get
> it to Calgary so that the machine can be gotten to Joris during the
> hackathon.
> If anyone can offer these, we would appreciate it.  Contact them directly,
> or me.
> Thank you.

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