Ted Unangst wrote:
On 4/12/06, Geof Crowl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unless I am reading something wrong, isn't this:

If you had started from a 3.9-beta, you might have got lucky.  But
jumping from 3.8 to 3.9 is NOT an easy process, and is completely

[building 3.9 source on 3.8]

and this:
1) Start with 3.8, and upgrade to 3.9 later (actually, pretty easy).

[install 3.9 binaries]

totally contradictory?

yeah, except i think what nick was getting at was that upgrading via
source is going to be bad, upgrading via sets is easy.

yeah, and one of these days, Nick will learn what everyone else has long figured out: don't give long, detailed answers, as someone will try to pick it apart and take it out of context, analyzing the text as if it were a fine novel, rather than a quick "I need a break from helping people at work, let's see if I can help someone on the mail list" posting.

Upgrading from source = difficult, if even possible by ordinary people, and certainly not supported by developers.
Upgrading by binaries = easy.


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