Piotrek Kapczuk wrote:
It was fixed.  First time I've seen it happen before official release

Well, security problems just before releases are not that common. ;-)

If I understand this right. This commit is in OPENBSD_3_9_BASE in cvs but it's
not on CD's. Isn't it ?


Anyway, to answer the original question: download a src.tgz from
somewhere, the 3.8 version from your local mirror should do, and cvs up
it to OPENBSD_3_9.

Instead of this, can I checkout full src with tag OPENBSD_3_9_BASE ? The
result should be the same.



OPENBSD_3_9_BASE is tagged...and that's it. (well..usually. I'm sure there's some exception somewhere...)

The patches were put into OPENBSD_3_9 (a.k.a., stable), it turns out. That's not at all usual, and rather surprised me. Apparently, this is a Special Case.


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