On 18 apr 2006, at 10.59, Reyk Floeter wrote:
- set the flows for each peer. any direct communication
between the peers and the gateway will be bypassed (not
encrypted) to allow the ISAKMP key exchange (a more
complicated version is possible, i.e. with additional
static flows, the "proto" keyword, ...)

This is a RFC requirement, even. When negotiating, isakmpd(8) uses setsockopt(2) to get the key exchange traffic to be transmitted as cleartext, regardless of any flows configured to encrypt peer to peer data.

Any other (non-IKE) traffic is handled normally, i.e may be encrypted.

For the main problem; it may be obvious but getting two WLAN hosts to do IPsec between each other via one or more gateways requires them to be on different subnets (as in Reyk's example). IPsec is very much an IP protocol, all general "IP routing" rules applies. For the kernel to encrypt/decrypt a packet is basically a routing decision (not by the same mechanism as IP routing, though).

For two hosts on the same subnet, the "direct delivery" case applies, and if one want's IPsec it has to be setup between the two, directly.

That said, it is probably possible to come up with some crazy design to "permit" this anyway, but IMO the administrative requirements to keep it working will easily outweigh any operational gain. I'd try to reconsider the intended purpose and use of the WLAN network (why is protected node-node traffic needed? Can we avoid this requirement?) ... or I'd try to find a good(!) L2 tunneling technique.


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