Jasper Bal wrote:
After nummerous advices on the list that I should upgrade, I decided to try remote upgrading.

there is reason we suggest practicing on an identical LOCAL box first!

At the folowing step:

Reboot on the new kernel: This might be a tempting step to skip, but it should be done now, as usually, the new kernel will run old userland apps (such as the soon to be important reboot!), but often a new userland will NOT work on the old kernel.

something went wrong. I issued a reboot. And when the system came back up, SSH didn't recognize any of my passwords. All the services seem to be running though. I even have unchrooted access through FTP. I'm in wheel group but have no access as root with FTP. Already checked ftpusers, but root is hashed (yes, I know this is wrong). Either I forgot the password, or something has changed.

Any hints? Did I do something wrong? Is there a fix? Or do I have to travel 400 km?

Well, assuming there is a human being on the other end that you share a
common language with, I doubt you need to travel.

You provide basically no information about what you did, what you started
with or where you tried to go, so you aren't going to get a certain answer
here.  However, the only time something like that happened to me is when I
tried to take a system from 3.1 to 3.5 or similar by remote.  Being the
system was completely wrong by that point, I did a remote reinstall,
including unpacking etcXX.tgz (which you will note, you are told not to do)
which clobbered my existing passwd file (which I expected), but I forgot to
change the password before reboot.  I ended up with a completely functional
system with no root password, and sshd is smart enough to keep people out
of root if there is no pw.  Oops.

That's assuming ssh is really responding to you.
If you are just getting slapped away, rather than getting a login prompt,
it could be a problem with your PF configuration, most likely one that was
going to bite you on reboot anyway, reboot or not.  Can you log in as any
other user via ssh?  Got sudo set up?

With FTP access to the box, your only hope is a configuration error
you can exploit.  Hopefully, that's not gonna happen.

Most likely, you will just have someone local force the box for you:

and then log in (or have them disable PF or ...).  You can also look at
/var/log/authlog for clues as to why you can't log in as you wish now.


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