I tried that and didn't find it helpful. The steps I just sent were suggested on somebody's website (I've lost the URL). The problem is that by the time you get to disklabel (I think) the OpenBSD partition is set to it's maximum size and the b option only maximizes its use of that space.

Perhaps I'm wrong and didn't do it correctly. Any comments from other macppc users?

On Apr 24, 2006, at 10:07, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:

Anyway, I now have it booted up but I discovered that something I felt during install turned out to be fact. I didn't get the whole hard drive. The drive
is a 40 gig.  It reports as:
wd0 16 sector PIO LBA48  38154MB  78140160 sectors
When I do the re-install fdisk shows the sector correctly but then shows the free sectors as 16511040 with only the i: MSDOS sector in place. How do I
get the rest of the drive?  I tried going into pdisk and deleting the
partitions but that didn't work.

Maybe this from the INSTALL.macppc document might help you :

"If the disk is partitioned using MBR, the bootloader is
automatically installed. However because fdisk is not LBA
knowledgeable it may be necessary to run the 'b' command in
disklabel to allow OpenBSD to use the entire disk."



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