On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 12:38:28PM +0200, Lasse Bach wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have been writing Linksys because i need to know if the v5 of
> their WMP54G wireless NIC can be used with the ral driver.
> Here's an abstract of the mail:
> Me asking:
> "I also need to know if v5 of the WMP54G uses a Ralink Technology RT25x0 
> chip?"
> Linksys answering:
> "I apologize but we are not allowed to disclose any information 
> regarding the
> chipsets of any of our devices. Besides, we do not have any access with 
> those
> information. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience."
> Wtf is that? How can that be a secret?
> Maybe someone on the mailing list can provide me with an answer to:
> 1. Can v5 af the card be used with the ral driver?

Look at the windows driver for information.  Seeing this is
not currently available on their site, tell them you lost the
cd for your card and want the driver.  If the .inf file does
not contain the required information, you can look for tidbits
in the .sys files with strings.

Linksys seem to provide zip or self extracting zips in general
so you should be able to get at these files.  If not cabextract
and unshield from ports can come in handy.

> 2. Why are such information not available to their customers?

Perhaps they want people to buy from them because of their brand
name rather than the chipsets they use, which seem to be
whatever happens to be cheapest that particular week.

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