Henrik Borgh wrote:
Hello there.

I have a laptop which dualboots Windows XP and OpenBSD. For each of
these i have a partition. Further more i have a partition, which
contains somekind of restore-information and at last another
The Windows XP-partition is FAT32, the restore-partition is some
Compaq-thingie and the last partition is also FAT32.
Unfortinately i apparently can not access the second FAT32-partition
from OpenBSD, and even after reading the manpages for fdisk(8) and
disklabel(8), i haven't found my solution. I fear that i may have
missed something very basical somewhere and would really like a hint,
for where to go.
The FAT32-partition is
3: 0C 3931   0  1 - 4862 254 63 [    63151515:    14972580 ] Win95 FAT32L
which was created _after_ the OpenBSD installation. My poroblem now
is, that i haven't been able to find a way to include this to the
existing disklabel, without clearing the entire disklabel and manually
create it again?

Don't clear anything!

Just add it.  That is something you have to do, however.  Nothing does it
automatically for you after the initial install.

Read the whole thing.  Carefully.
If you don't understand, start at the top of FAQ 14, and work back through
it.  When you understand what is going on (usually indicated by saying to
yourself, "Oh, I get it! That's cool!"), you are ready to do it.

As always, have a backup of important data before starting, though if you
understand what you are doing, recovery from most errors is pretty easy.
You win no points for finding the edge cases, however.


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