On 5/11/06, Jeff Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've enabled ntpd with the -d flag to run as a server on a system on the
lan with this conf file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/jross $ cat /etc/ntpd.conf
# $OpenBSD: ntpd.conf,v 1.7 2004/07/20 17:38:35 henning Exp $
# sample ntpd configuration file, see ntpd.conf(5)

# Addresses to listen on (ntpd does not listen by default)
listen on *

# sync to a single server
#server ntp.example.org

# use a random selection of 8 public stratum 2 servers
# see http://twiki.ntp.org/bin/view/Servers/NTPPoolServers
servers pool.ntp.org

Is there a way to log update requests from other computers on the lan?
I'm trying to sync some [EMAIL PROTECTED] workstations and the update request 
fail--both with it and with other time servers. I can sync my openbsd
workstation with it no problem, but nothing shows in the logs then,

I do see the normal ntp related traffic in the  logs:
reply from offset -22.959578 delay 0.358056, next query 54s
reply from offset -22.920072 delay 0.271411, next query 52s

tcpdump on port 123 does show the tcp traffic between this system and
other ntp servers, but nothing from the lan (and I don't find a udpdump
port ;-).

Here is a skeleton of a .reg file I use to manually setup NTP clients.
After running this it might be a good idea to: "net stop w32time" and
"net start w32time". After this check "eventvwr" in System Tab and
look for Source "win32time" look for Event ID 37 or 35.




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