After some fast but extensive testing we are going to use epiphany as the default browser on the installation. If other are facing similar Firefox problems, which they can't seem to solve, epiphany might be a good alternative. It works superfast on KDE 3.5.1 and we haven't seen any crashes on the test with many tabs and so on - it is based upon Mozilla as well.

We did test the Mozilla browser from the mozilla package, and got the same crashes as with firefox.

Rico wrote:
FWIW, I guess KDE is more than a bit resource-happy too; does the
problem persist when using a simple window manager (fvwm, for instance)?

I use Firefox under fluxbox under 3.9 with great succes. Cannot remember
it crashing. Konqueror runs fine aswell, though I use it much less.

Actually, firefox works with fluxbox without any problems. Before I tested fluxbox I tried the "ulimit -d unlimited" so I don't know if that has anything to do with it to. It seems like firefox became a bit faster on KDE, but it still crashes.

Thanks for the different inputs!


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