On 5/12/06, Samurai Chef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/11/06, Roger Neth Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/11/06, Bryan Irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > I had checked the archives for misc@, and what I had read indicated
> > > that the Macbook Pro could boot OpenBSD using Parallels virtualization
> > > software, but not natively due to hang while probing USB.  Also, I'm
> > > under the opinion that the wireless doesn't work as they use broadcom
> > > adapters under the Airport Express name.  I could be wrong though.  I
> > > was just wondering if that had improved any.
> > <snip>
> >
> > The Broadcom thing still applies.  No drivers for airport.
> >
> > --Bryan
> >
> >
> Hello List,
> I was looking on Ebay for OpenBSD type of stuff and came across this.
> Doesn't this hurt the project? : (
> Or are they just generous?
> rogern
> John 3:16

I contacted the seller and asked "Is this the full CD set with
stickers, or copies of the CD's?"

This is the response I got: "These cds are copies of the official 3 cd
set. All cds are verified by test installations of the product. The
official 3 CD set is available from www.openbsd.org for $45+$4
shipping and handling."

To answer the question, "Does this hurt the project?"  I respond, "it
doesn't help".

eBay has strict policies about the illegal selling of copywrite
protected items, and this qualifies.  just go to the auction, and at
the bottom is a link that reads "Report this Item".  It infringes on
the copyright of Theo de Raadt.  IIRC, three strikes and you're out on


Hello Jim,

Thanks for investigating this more diligently than I had done. I went
ahead and reported this item.


John 3:16

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