Hello misc,

I spent two days to read man and how-tos, but today I don't succeed
again to make raid 1 to work.
I want to install openbsd 3.9 on two ide disks (wd0,wd1) of 10 gb with
raidframe raid 1.
Following the main steps that I have executed:
1. regular installation of openbsd 3.9 on wd0
2. compiled a new kernel with raidframe autoconfigure support
3. reboot with the new kernel into wd0
4. initialized and partitioned wd1

   # fdisk -I wd1
   # disklabel -E wd1

       wd1a 4.2BSD 64MB
       wd1d RAID *

5. make wd1 bootable

   # newfs wd1a
   # mount /dev/wd1a /mnt
   # cp /bsd.raid /usr/mdec/boot /mnt
   # /usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /usr/mdec/biosboot wd1
   # umount /mnt

5. realized and initialized the array

   # cat /etc/raid0.conf
   START array
   1 2 0
   START disks
   START layout
   128 1 1 1
   START queue
   fifo 100

   # raidctl -C /etc/raid0.conf
   # raidctl -I 060500 raid0
   # raidctl -A root raid0

6. partitioned and populated raid0

   # disklabel -E raid0

        raid0a / 4.2BSD
        raid0b swap
        raid0d /usr 4.2BSD
        raid0e /tmp 4.2BSD
        raid0f /var 4.2BSD
        raid0g /home 4.2BSD

   # for i in a d e f g; do newfs raid0${i}; done

   # mount /dev/raid0a /mnt
   # cd /mnt; mkdir usr tmp var home
   # mount /dev/raid0d /mnt/usr
   # mount /dev/raid0e /mnt/tmp

   # (cd /; tar -Xcpf - .) | (cd /mnt; tar -xpf -)
   # (cd /usr; tar -cpf - .) | (cd /mnt/usr; tar -xpf -)

   # cat /mnt/etc/fstab

        /dev/raid0a / ffs rw 1 1
        /dev/raid0d /usr ffs rw 1 2

Ok...umount all and reboot into broken mirror.
At prompt:
boot wd1a:/bsd

the kernel go up succesfully until I received:

   Kernelized RAIDFrame activated
   dkcsum wd0 matches BIOS drive 0x80
   dkcsum wd1 matches BIOS drive 0x81
   root on wd1a
   rootdev=0x10 rrootdev=0x320 rawdev=0x312
   warning: /dev/console does not exist
   init: not found
   panic: no init

Well, where I have make a mistake ?

Thanks in andvance and sorry for the english...


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