It was/is the case for me too ! :-(
The workaround I use is to increase buffer size to its maximum, i.e. 13MB,
with 50% to upper pre buffer.
It works quite nicely, but I feel it's a dirty workaround...

Nevertheless it allows me to play mp3 and ogg on my 700MHz Athlon with
384MB of RAM, even with cumulated/simultaneous :
_ high FTP loads (with vsftp in FTP mode, didn't tested with SFTP)
_ web browsing through Firefox (10 tabs)
_ Gaim 1.5
_ Xchat.
_ Bluefish
_ 3 xterms

But it keeps micro-freezing sometimes, and memory load is around 360MB
(of 384). :-|

I didn't complain as I was warned OBSD is quite "server oriented", It
was quite a challenge to use it for everyday desktops tasks.
The main problem I have is the VERY SLOW PAGE SCROLLING in web
pages... And I don't know how to fix it, if it's possible.

On 5/18/06, Martin Toft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

xmms on my computer freezes temporarily when doing disk-intensive tasks,
e.g. examining the ID3-tags of a long playlist. It is not a serious
problem, it just annoys me that my OpenBSD installation apparently does
not perform as well as my friend's Debian GNU/Linux installation, which
does not suffer from the problem. It _is_ a matter of honor :)

Any help is appreciated, but my primary objective is to find out whether
I am the only person experiencing this problem.

I run OpenBSD 3.9-release on an IBM Thinkpad T41 laptop with all file
sets except The relevant, installed packages are:


I have tried increasing the buffer size and pre-buffer percent in
Preferences -> Audio I/O Plugins -> MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player 1.2.10
[} -> Configure -> Streaming to as high as 4096 kb and 50%.
It did not help. However, maybe these values only affect streaming (over


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