Hello all,

I'm new to OpenBSD, I installed it a few times but than did not know what to do realy. Right now I'm little more experienced with Linux and I thought give it a nother try.
Now I'm runnin an Openbsd 3.9 Box.
Default setup. I try to run a Webmailbox and later Openvpn.
It did not work so I searched long for an answer. I started httpd -u and
now Openwebmail is running. I read allso that it is insecure, how can I run httpd chrooted and Openwebmail? Did not find any (for me understandable) answer. Openwebmail is not good explained too. Has anyone installed it ? (I guess for shure) would that one please contact me offlist?
I don't whant step by step help just to shed a little light in....

Hope that mail was written in a good manner, my nativ language is german, so sorry for bad english.


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