Thanks for everyone jumping in and helping out so fast ! - More more than I'd ever expect !! This - as they say - rocks !

Okay, (as usual) a part of the blame was on me; stupid, panic, you-name-it. And one part on the system: The machine is run fully through serial console, including boot. It also runs on a UPS, APC RS 1000. The latter needs a few changes to the kernel to enable the USB-UPS: uhidev, ums, wsmouse, ukbd, wskbd, uhid must be disabled. Now, since it didn't reboot properly, I went to the server room and attached a PS2-keyboard to the running machine. This seems to make the kernel panic and behave strangely, not even accepting the usual debug commands.

In the end I dunno what happened; I was too nervous to pin down all steps. I put the original 3.8-kernel back, removed all serial stuff, UPS, and it would start; spew a lot of hard disc errors, but go through after quite some time. Then I put back everything one by one, rebooted always in between, and now it is up and running again. Most stupid: I didn't want to believe in the keyboard-induced panic and plugged it into the same type of machine next to it, same configuration including UPS, also in production, and that one panicked just the same ! I'll buy a box of chewing gums tonite and plug close the PS2-keyboard connectors tomorrow morning !

Thanks again for your phantastic reactions,


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