Are you saying that OpenBSD is targetted as a Dom0 OS?  I couldn't
tell from the above mentioned links.

On 5/30/06, Dries Schellekens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Peter Blair wrote:

> That project (if/once completed) would be very useful.  I just cringe
> at the thought of running a guestOS of openbsd under linux or Solaris
> ;)

A minor detail: OpenBSD will run on the Xen virtual machine monitor and
not on Linux or Windows (like VMWare). So the Linux instance (or even
multiple of them) will run in parallel to the OpenBSD domain.



> On 5/30/06, Dries Schellekens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
>> > We've put up some Xen-related projects for the Google Summer of
>> > Code, and one of them of particular interest is a port of OpenBSD
>> > to Xen 3.0 as a native guest OS.
>> >
>> > Full list:
>> >
>> > Interested hackers are encouraged to apply; it is a fun project,
>> > some NetBSD code already exists, and will be useful.
>> I see that this project got selected:
>> Let's hope this work can be included in OpenBSD after the summer.
>> Cheers,
>> Dries

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