OpenCON 2006
OpenCON is the first european conference entirely dedicated to OpenBSD.
The manifestation will take place in Mestre/Venice, Italy, on December.
Some OpenBSD developers, have already confirmed their presence. It will
be possible to follow many speeches, use the conference LAN, speak with
other OpenBSD-enthusiasts and, of course, share any kind of knowledge.
For more information visit the conference website: or write us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The Call
The OpenCON program committee is inviting relators to submit innovative
original and interesting speeches on the applications, architecture,
implementation, performance and security of OpenBSD operating system.
The speeches and slides must be in english. Topics of interest for the
OpenCON Conference 2006 include, but are not limited to: 
      * kernel hacking
      * embedded application development and deployment
      * device drivers
      * security and safe coding practices
      * system administration: techniques and tools of the trade
      * operational and economic aspects

The extended abstract should explain clearly what are the topics and the
aims of the speech. Submissions accompanied by a non-disclosure
agreement will be rejected.

Authors of accepted submissions have to provide a full paper for
publication in the conference proceedings and allow the organizers to
publish the results in the printed proceedings and on the conference web
site. Instructions to authors will be available on the conference web

To submit your proposal fill in the dedicated form:

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