mal content wrote Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 07:27:38PM +0100:
> On 09/06/06, Kyrre Nygard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> After noticing how much simpler it is using tags, for instance
>> with my bookmarks at -- compared to hours of
>> frustration trying find the right combination of folders and
>> sub folders in my Firefox' bookmarks.html, I was wondering
>> if the same approach could be used to arrange the UNIX filesystem
>> hierarchy, from the root and up.

First point: Whatever might result would not be UNIX any more.
Try `man 2 mkdir | grep POSIX`.

More importantly, dirs form a hierarchy, tags don't.
Think about $HOME, $PATH and directory permissions.
Try `man mount | grep nosuid`.  Try `man 8 chroot`.  Try...

>> This is just a radical thought, not yet an idea even --
>> but if somebody would be willing to think
>> with me -- maybe we could make a big change.

Possibly, but this appears to be wildly off topic on this list.

> Can you elaborate? I don't really understand.

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