
I have two root servers @hetzner here in germany and thought I can setup carp 
between them. 
Both hosts are in the same subnet, the third IP address, used for carp, too.
Both hosts are in different VLAN's. to reach each other I have to set a host 
route via the default gateway to reach the other system. So generally they can 
reach each other.

When I setup carp at the first host, then it is reachable via ssh to the carp 
IP, the same when I shutdown the first one, and fire up the carp IF on the 
backup host.

When I setup the carp interfaces on both machines, both become the master. I 
disabled the firewall, just to make sure the packets are not blocked by it, but 
both stay master.

any hint what I can do about that, if ever possible?

kind regards
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