First of all: Thanks for replying to an issue with a
non-generic kernel! I really appreciate that!

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Greg Oster wrote:

> > Adding a spare did work:
> > 
> > # raidctl -a /dev/wd1g raid1
> Isn't that the spare you used for raid2 ?

Sorry, cut&paste error, should have been wd1f.
> Hmm.. where is the lines saying reconstruction is "n% complete"? 
> (they arn't pretty, but in this case they'd be useful)

I'm sorry, I did not record those. Reconstructing did take some time,
though, I recall checking the progress, nothing suspicous there,
> > raidctl -F subsequently fails with "error rewriting parity".
> That error will only come from attempting to check parity on a RAID 
> set with a failed component.  It has nothing to do with "raidctl -F".

Oh yes, of course! Should have mentioned that I've tried raidctl -P 
after raidctl -F ...
> How long did you wait for the reconstruction to finish?  
> For the above output, note that it still says "reconstructing" 
> for component1...  When that finishes, it will say "spared".  

And what about the spare? Shouldn't it replace component1?
That never happend. Instead, component1 sequence was:
failed -> reconstructing -> failed. 


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