> At first I didn't understand the reason for all the partitions (
> ml) now I
> can't have enough partitions

An example of a problem you can run into with "overpartioning" is being too
carve-happy. You've got a finite amount of drive space, so slicing it up all
over the place means that partitions have to be limited to what they get.
You add a partition, you've either got to add drive space to it or borrow it
from somewhere else. People who don't partition appropriately (plan!) end up
hitting 100%+ space usage and b0rk.

That was an argument at my last job as for why we had to have a single,
monolithic root partition on our systems. We never ran out of space on our
smaller partitions, but we got no advantages from segmentation either. I
endorse the OpenBSD suggested layout.


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