On Sun, 02 Jul 2006 22:09:02 -0600, Theo de Raadt

>> Don't misunderstand me, CARP is an amazingly innovative and extremely
>> useful implementation of a redundancy protocol. It's technically better
>> than HSRP or any of the versions of VRRP but the problems till stands
>> that it is not an "official" protocol, which simply means adoption and
>> inter operability will suffer to some degree.
>You are wrong.  It is officially free and unencumbered.
>Now if you wish to redeclare the word "official" to mean "because
>some corporate people playing politics have dictated it be so",
>fine, be that way.
>But when you do so you are doing two things:
>1. Limiting yourself.
>2. Giving them the power to do it again.
>I suppose that is your choice.  Keep saying that the Man is right.

I'm a bit confused by your reply. Yes, I kind of see what you mean but
it also seems I failed miserably to write things clearly. By putting
"Official" in quotes, I was trying to point out the stupidity of the bad
corporate decisions that occur far too often. 

There are countless corporate idiots which make the wrong choice because
they like to waive a nonsense marketing banner saying that they are
"Compliant" with some "official" standard, regardless if there is a
standardized, completely free, unincumbered and technically superior
replacement available. Those bad decisions do slow adoption of a free
replacement (CARP) and in general, affect inter operability of systems
because they chose to support some encumbered protocol rather than CARP.

I can kind of see how saying their decisions are wrong/bad might be
limiting but I don't understand how it would give them more power to do
it again?

I've got this bad feeling that I'm missing something that should be
totally obvious... please apply the clue stick.


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