On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 02:21:32PM +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 10:33:30AM +0200, FTP wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 06:25:52PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
> > > OpenWebmail is very charming because of how very little it needs to 
> > > bring into base OpenBSD to get working.  I set it up for a school of 
> > > about 200 students (...). I must say, at this point, being not
> > > written in PHP is starting to look Really Nice, too.
> > 
> > bottom line, your suggestion is to stick with openwebmail (if I don't
> > want to intsall IMAP) and run 'insecure' apache? Would that be a
> > 'good' solution for a small e-mail server?
> Over here, I use Hastymail+Dovecot IMAP server. Dovecot is extremely
> easy to setup and Works For Me, though it does not appear to work for
> everyone.
> Hastymail is a basic webmail application, and about as sane as webmail
> applications get. Notably, it does not support sending HTML mail, does
> not use Javascript, and can - but need not - use cookies; what's better,
> it actually has a thought-out and configurable security model.
> The interface is basic, but functional, and the only thing required is a
> couple of flat files and an IMAP server. (No SQL is a Good Thing, too -
> not to say that SQL isn't cool, but SQL is *not* a filesystem, despite
> what the LAMP crowd seems to think...)
> The only thing that might be construed as 'missing' is PGP support, but
> while I really like PGP, the whole idea of PGP over webmail has too many
> problems to classify as a Good Idea.
> Not being able to send HTML mail does make some people less happy,
> though. That, and it's written in PHP - and my opinion of PHP is
> certainly no better than Nick's.
>               Joachim
> P.S. Not to be a nazi, but trimming quotes is a good idea...
> P.P.S. Flames invited over Excess Capitalization and the above P.S.

I see. In that case looks like to be better of to first install dovecot (which 
I was trying to avoid!) and then I'll have plenty of choices concerning the 
web-front GUI.



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