(I tried sending a similar email to this one about an hour ago, but it 
has not turned up yet, while other emails sent since then have appeared 
on the mailing list.  I apologize if this results in redundant mail.)

On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 09:22:05PM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> Sure, just 'dhclient ${if}'. When 'something' (even another dhclient
> process) touches the networking config of a dhclient-configured
> interface, dhclient will exit (as not to change the new config later). 

Not true.  As I type this message, I have 10 dhclients running 
concurrently on my laptop for the same interface.

The cause seems to be that I have setup dhcpd on my network to give my 
laptop a static IP, so all of the dhclients are trying to set the same 
IP and don't notice the others running.  This would not be a problem 
(other than the extra network and memory resource usage) were it not for 
/etc/resolv.conf occasionally getting obliterated.

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