
I have a Thinkpad laptop (T43) and I'm about to install OpenBSD on it.
I have a few questions regarding hibernation though.  I've read
various documents online so I'm fairly confident with regard to the
"how" but out of curiosity I have some questions below regarding the
"why", plus a few comments.

- http://www.openbsd.org/i386-laptop.html indicates that there's no
ACPI support in OpenBSD, but at the same time I've found a man page
for acpid(8) on the OpenBSD website.  So what is the current

- http://www.openbsd.org/i386-laptop.html doesn't say anything about
the size of the hibernation partition.  I looked around for that
information and found on http://jcs.org/laptops/#x40 that the size of
the hibernation partition should be the size of memory + video memory
+ a few MB, though that web page doesn't give any hint as to were that
information came from or if it was simply guessed by trial-and-error.
After searching around some more I finally found
http://samba.org/ftp/unpacked/junkcode/tphdisk.c which seems to be the
source of the information and indicates that the size of the partition
should be main memory + video memory + 2 MB.  I think it would be nice
if that information could be placed somewhere on
http://www.openbsd.org/i386-laptop.html because, unless one searches
hard for that information in advance, by the time one might see
tphdisk's usage message the hibernation partition will presumably
already have been created (and therefore will potentially have been
created with the wrong size...)

- I'm not sure I understand why the video memory has to be saved when
hibernating.  Once the computer has been restarted I would expect
programs to simply redraw themselves, no?  Is it because in OpenBSD
hibernation is done via the BIOS and the BIOS simply does it that way
no matter what?

- Which brings me to my last point: has anybody worked / is working /
plans on working on handling hibernation and suspend-to-RAM entirely
in software rather than through the BIOS?  The way swsusp or suspend2
do it for linux?  I'd guess that a good chunk of the machinery
necessary for something like that is already in the kernel, save maybe
for things like copying to disk the non-pageable kernel memory and
bringing it back into memory after restart.  So are there any plans to
go into that direction, by any chance?



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