Hello list,

I use an ipsec tunnel between my customer and his appl. provider.
The appl. provider has problems transferring a specific datavolumn
from time to time. He asked my to change the lifetime from our
ipsec connection because he thinks that this could be a problem.

Now I don't know if a established ipsec connection disconnects turing
a datatransfer session?

So I tried to change the lifetime in phase 1 and 2 with

Retransmits=            5
Exchange-max-time=      120
Default-phase-1-lifetime=       28800,60:86400
Default-phase-2-lifetime=       28800,60:86400

I also change in the following sections

DOI=                    IPSEC
Transforms=             3DES-SHA-GRP2
Life=                   Default-phase-1-lifetime

DOI=                    IPSEC
Suites=                 QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-PFS-GRP2-SUITE
Life=                   Default-phase-1-lifetime

DOI=                    IPSEC
Transforms=             3DES-SHA
Life=                   Default-phase-1-lifetime

DOI=                    IPSEC
Suites=                 QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-SUITE
Life=                   Default-phase-1-lifetime

But the only result i get is

$ echo S >> /var/run/isakmpd.fifo
$ cat /var/run/isakmpd.result
SA name: dacosoft (Phase 1/Initiator)
src: x.x.x.x dst: x.x.x.x
Lifetime: 3600 seconds
Soft timeout in 1518 seconds
Hard timeout in 1792 seconds
icookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx rcookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

SA name: from-to (Phase 2)
src: x.x.x.x dst: x.x.x.x
Lifetime: 1200 seconds
Soft timeout in 329 seconds
Hard timeout in 479 seconds
SPI 0: 21c6a257
SPI 1: 65d2992e
Transform: IPsec ESP
Encryption key length: 24
Authentication key length: 20
Encryption algorithm: 3DES
Authentication algorithm: HMAC-SHA1


The other site is an sonicwall.
The sysop told my that he has changed
the setting to 28800 and it works with
his other connections.

Is there something I did wrong?

Thanks for you time.
Kind regards.


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