On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 09:11:12AM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> >Why would you need voice chat in the base install? There isn't even IM
> >in the base install.
> >
> good point about the IM. i see voice as pretty important since the gross
> majority of ppl have a phone (whether VOIP or otherwise) in their home. on the
> other hand, not everyone uses text chat programs.

However, many more people use a *phone* instead of a computer for voice;
text messaging is still much larger than VoIP and such.

> >OpenSIP would be helpful to a lot of people, I'm sure, but I doubt the
> >developers have time for it.
> i recognize the devs are busy folks and don't have time to code out features
> that people wish for on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> note that my previous message did not suggest "someone else should do
> this", it only asked if such a thing were done, could it get in tree.
> i surmise the answer is no, likely for the reason you cite above. i
> wanted to check because i've thought about working on such a thing
> myself for a year now.

It would be a port, but lots of important things are in ports. I'm
typing this using mail/mutt, editors/vim, and so on...


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