On 7/15/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i am trying to set a process as the session leader of its own. I wrote
a simple program that handles that. It is working when i call it from
my shell command line:
But when i write a simple shell script like in :
The process is not put on its own session as a leader the (setsid)
returns no errors.

/bin/sh doesn't change the process-group of the processes that it
invokes, while interactive shells with job-control support do change
it, so that's the difference between invocation from a script versus
an interactive shell.  Unfortunately, it would suggest the _opposite_
behavior: setsid() from a process run by an interactive shell should
fail.  Too bad you didn't provide a complete description of the system
calls made by your program, or direct evidence (say, the output of ps
-j) of the results of running it in the two cases.  As is, my current
guess is that you're misreading the 'ps' output and confusing the
concepts of process-group leader and session leader.

Philip Guenther

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