On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 10:47:17AM -0400, Matthew P Szudzik wrote:
> My understanding is that Mail (equivalently mail or mailx) is the only 
> email client that is in the OpenBSD default install.  But Mail does not 
> handle MIME-encoded messages, so I was wondering what most people use to 
> read and send them.
> Do you download metamail and/or mpack from ports?
> Do you use a different email client like nail, nmh, or pine?


> Why isn't there a MIME encoding/decoding solution in the default install?  
> (Or maybe there is, but I'm ignorant of it?)

Because there are a lot of different ones, many with non-BSD licenses
(mutt is GPLed, pine is not free at all), and you can't include just
one or two and make every one happy?

Because traditionally BSD didn't ship with anything more complex?

Because Theo uses mail(1) so clearly it's good enough for everyone?

Who knows.

David Terrell
((meatspace)) http://meat.net/

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