On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 10:35:29AM -0500, R. Tyler Ballance wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> >>I was wondering, would it be a stupid and bad idea, for the  
> >>OpenBSD team to
> >>develope, an OpenBSD C compiler based upon the OpenBSD security  
> >>knowledge
> >>and internal standards regarding the language?
> >
> >yeah we will just drop everything we do now, quit all our jobs,
> >send our families and other sos shopping at the mall in zimbabwe,
> >not make a release for two years and produce the best compiler
> >ever by then of course everybody will stop using openbsd for
> >obvious reasons so we can finally all go drinking beer...
> Jeeez, talk about an overreaction to the suggestion. The GNU Compiler  
> Collection has been something most people "put up with" as opposed to  
> "enjoy" using. It's not that far fetched of an idea, remember a spin- 
> off project that the OpenBSD guys are responsible that's become the  
> most heavily used SSH code on the planet...
> Since nobody else has mentioned TeNDRA project, I might as well:  
> http://www.tendra.org/
> If you're interested in a BSD compiler collection, start by helping  
> them out, it's been dormant (somewhat) but I'm certain it'd just take  
> a few talented individuals with spare time to really get it going again.

just god damn try it.
come back when you can compile and run a "hello world"...


    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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