Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> More than a *sigh* is in order here. What's he doing on your network,
> and where's the cluebat?

He only used the gateway to surf the web. Oh, and not to forget: He's a
user on the jabber server (jabberd2) running on my router, so he
connected it.

> There's a reference, so something seems to be holding open a
> connection (or at least trying to; this is according to my reading of
> man netstat | grep -A3 [Rr]ef). netstat(8) may be useful in finding
> this connection, and tcpdrop(8) in dealing with it.

According to netstat, there is no open connection?
And what's strange: If I remove it manually and he restarts his
machine, it's in the routing table again - as expected. But if he turns
his PC off then the route won't timeout again.

I think he's got some malware on his PC - that would be just typical
for a Windows box (*sigh* Why are there still people using Windows
seriously?). But how would that malware be able to keep the route even
if the machine is off and there's no open connection?


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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