On Tuesday, 22 August 2006 at 14:44:04 -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> >1. What is involved in installing Tor - any special proceedures or any
> >gotchas?
> gethostbyname_r(), which OpenBSD doesn't even have.

I got Tor compiled and ran OK on OBSD-3.8 without any changes.
Here are what I did:
- download the latest port from the the latest snapshot. Note this is
  not official supported because the snapshot is not for OBSD-3.8.
- move the port tor to /usr/ports/net/
- make; make install.

I even modified the Makefile to install the the latest tor via port.
Again, this is not "official supported".

> >2. Does it have any effect on overall performance?
> Yes. It redirects traffic bouncing it all over the internet.

It is slower. I use only ftp, ssh and http(s).

> >3. Is my understanding of the function of Tor accurate and will it
> >actually anonymize all machines behind the firewall? Would this extend
> >to blocking IP addresses, or does it merely mangle the packet headers?
> No, not entirely. They make this quite clear at http://tor.eff.org

I installed tor on a firewall (OBSD-3.8) so all my boxes behind the firewall
are anonymized.
I don't think it has any effect on PF.


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