On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 03:21:28PM +0400, Bruno Carnazzi wrote:
>   Hi misc,
> I'd like to use Xfce4 as my main desktop environment, and I can't run
> it under OpenBSD :(
> I've installed the following packages through pkg_add(4) :
> xfcalendar-4.2.3p1  simple calendar application with reminders for xfce4
> xfce-mcs-manager-4.2.3p1 settings manager for xfce4
> xfce-mcs-plugins-4.2.3p1 settings manager plug-ins for xfce4
> xfce4-appfinder-4.2.3p1 xfce4 application finder
> xfce4-battery-0.3.0p1 battery monitor panel plugin for xfce4
> xfce4-clipman-0.4.1p3 clipboard history plugin for the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-datetime-0.3.1p3 shows the date and time in the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-diskperf-1.5p3 displays instant disk performance in the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-fsguard-0.2.1p1 monitors a chosen mountpoint for free disk space
> xfce4-icon-theme-4.2.3 icon theme for xfce4
> xfce4-iconbox-4.2.3p1 graphical alternative to xfce-utils taskbar
> xfce4-lua-graph-0.1 lua driven plugin for the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-minicmd-0.3.0p3 puts a small entry widget onto your panel
> xfce4-netload-0.3.3p1 displays load of a network interface in the xfce4 
> panel
> xfce4-notes-0.11.1p1 provides sticky notes for the desktop
> xfce4-panel-4.2.3p1 xfce4 panel
> xfce4-session-4.2.3p1 xfce4 session manager
> xfce4-showdesktop-0.4.0p4 hides/unhides all unsticky windows with one click
> xfce4-systemload-0.3.6p3 displays cpu/memory/swap/uptime in xfce4 panel
> xfce4-systray-4.2.3p1 xfce4 notification area/system tray for the panel
> xfce4-taskbar-0.2.2p4 taskbar plugin for the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-toys-4.2.3p1  tips/fortune dialog, xeyes for the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-trigger-launcher-4.2.3p1 provides a toggle button showing on/off
> state for xfce4-panel
> xfce4-wavelan-0.4.1p3 displays stats from a WLAN interface
> xfce4-weather-0.4.9p4 see temperature/weather conditions on the xfce4 panel
> xfce4-xkb-0.3.2p2   xkb layout switcher panel plugin for xfce4
> xfdesktop-4.2.3p2
> xffm-4.2.3p3
> xfwm4-
> xfwm4-themes-4.2.3  window decoration themes for xfwm4
> I can't find startxfce in /usr/local/bin or elsewhere. When X is
> started, I can run xffm and so on, but under fvwm ! :)
> Any idea ? What's the missing package ?
you need xfce-utils.

> Best regards,
> Bruno.

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