On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 06:08:22PM -0500, Doug Carter wrote:
> I really doubt that this is a system problem; I just can't figure out  
> what stupid thing I have done.
> Using: OpenBSD 3.9 (GENERIC) #617: Thu Mar  2 02:26:48 MST 2006 on a  
> Dell 1850, RAID 1 (rest of dmesg below).
> One entry every day:
>    Sep 10 02:16:58 tma0 /bsd: nfs server amd:16867: not responding
> As far as I know I don't have NFS running...
> I've ignored this for a while today I noticed about 100 instances of  
> sh, /etc/security, mail & find with the latter in state 'nfsrcv'   
> This appeared to lead to too many files open and hung the impad  
> (Dovecot).  Killing the find, sh & mail processes and restarting  
> Dovecot; all appears OK now...
> Also, I notice that I can issue a sudo find / -name anything and it  
> will hang in state 'nfsrcv'

Are you really sure you did not mess with NFS at some point (maybe via
an automounter)? You might even want to reboot, as this will at least
clear any mount-ish confusion in the system.

If this message is logged at the same time every day, tcpdump(8) might
at least confirm that the box is, indeed, trying to do NFS. Ideally, it
could also give at least a little insight into what it's trying to do.

Finally, try showmount(8) and nfsstat(8) - they might help point you to
the problem.


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