Following OpenBSD's automatic generation of ssh and isakmp keys, prehaps the following would be a worthwhile addition to /etc/rc to generate a key/config for rndc/named.

if [ ! -f /etc/rndc.conf ]; then
        echo -n "rndc-confgen: generating new RNDC key... "
        if /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen | tee /etc/rndc.conf \
         | grep '^# [^SEU]' >> /var/named/etc/named.conf; then
chown root:named /etc/rndc.conf /var/named/etc/ rndc.conf
                chmod 640 /etc/rndc.conf /var/named/etc/rndc.conf
                echo done.
                echo failed.

1. I stopped short of piping through a "sed '/^#//'" so that it still remains disabled by default. 2. I guess there is a better way than the late chown/chmod calls, but I guess it's ok, since we are still pre-login during rc.


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