Dear / Stuart

I am attaching with this email the layout scheme of the official OpenBSD CD
Copy righted by theo, I am sorry it had to be like this but I needed to know
the difference, I have no intention to redistribute the one I got and I
intend to donate to the project.

ok, according to what you said if I changed the scheme and many things in
the CD, and sold it that is not a problem !?

if so, then any donations by me would fully goes to the hands who deserve it

I know this is against the Project Policy, but if a sub Project started to
make the OpenBSD with all its powers look like Linux in the way its
installed at least plus some tweaks for the Desktop I am sure that would
make my mission very easy.

Linux Like in Mandriva not Slackware ;)

There are Projects Like this Already available for NetBSD/FreeBSD

Why I am doing this !? Because I think its the best thing to be in the hands
of my citizens.

I wish that there was a World OS, Some thing that we all use to unite the
earth, imagine the whole world developing one thing, it will make it the
best plus more and more efficient applications.*sighs*

Sorry I was day Dreaming do not comment


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